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Black Seed Oil 250 Ml

Product Code: 1386947
  • $15.17

Tags: Black, Seed, Oil, 250, Ml

Nigella sativa is an annual herb with black seeds and a bitter taste.


Black seed (Nigella Sativa L.) is a species of the Ranunculaceae family that has been used in the treatment of many diseases since ancient times.




Black cumin oil, which is an extremely medicinal plant, contains fixed and essential oils, various alkaloids, saponins and tannins. In addition to containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, it contains selenium, zinc, iron, copper, calcium minerals and high levels of vitamin E. Black cumin seed oil is obtained from the seeds of black cumin.


Cold press technique; It is one of the techniques used in the production of the highest quality vegetable oils. Oils obtained by cold pressing method come to the forefront because they contain some substances such as antioxidants, phenolic compounds, phosphatids, carotenoids and phytosterols at higher rates.


Since the oils produced with the cold press technique are not exposed to high temperature values, the bioactive compounds are not damaged.

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